The British Chamber of Commerce in China will hold its 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 20 June, 14:30 - 16:30 at the Opposite House, Gallery, LG/F.
We encourage as many members as possible to attend for the meeting, to have your say in our Executive Committee for the coming year.
Nominations will be taken for all vacant positions (members will be notified of vacancies and the procedure in advance) and the results of the election will be announced after voting takes place - please pay attention to your emails and our social media for announcement of who the candidates are.
*Please note that AGM attendance is open to BritCham China members only. If you are a member but are unable to sign up, please email Hanwei at for assistance.
What is an Annual General Meeting (AGM)?
The AGM is the Chamber's most important business meeting of the year. It is where we review the activities of the past year and look forward to the year ahead. The main goals:
Who can attend the AGM?
Any employee from any of our member companies can attend. Multiple attendees from each member company are welcome. Non-members may not attend.
What is the ExCo and why is it important?
The ExCo is the Executive Committee (the Board) of the British Chamber – 10 elected members who meet regularly to make decisions about the strategy, finances and activities of the Chamber. There are six "At Large" (general) committee members, two Vice-Chairs, a Treasurer, and the Chair. The ExCo is vital to the operation and success of the Chamber and works closely with the Chamber's permanent staff.
Committee Officer positions are for terms of two years. Vice Chair positions are staggered with one position elected each year. Chair and a Vice Chair are elected in one year, Treasurer and a Vice Chair are elected in the alternate year. At Large Committee Member positions are for a term of one year.
Who can vote for the ExCo?
Each Member company has one vote for each vacant ExCo position through a "Voting Representative". The representative is normally the main point of contact with the Chamber. If you are unsure who your designated representative is please get in touch with the Chamber.
If your company has not attended an AGM in the past or has not voted in the past, please contact to confirm the "Voting Representative" prior to voting.
Voting is confidential, and the number of votes cast for each candidate is not announced, only the result.
How can you vote at the AGM?
A full list of candidates will be published on seven days in advance of the AGM. Voting takes place in person at the AGM on Thursday 9 June. For those unable to attend in person, advance electronic voting will NOT be possible, however a proxy will be available. Full details will be circulated when nominations have been received.
How do I get nominated for an ExCo position?
We actively welcome employees of Member companies to stand for ExCo positions. Nominations are sought for Committee Officer positions and At-Large Committee Member positions.
To be added to the ballot you must gain a Proposer and Seconder for your nomination, with each of the Proposer and the Seconder being from a separate Member company, neither of which can be your employer company. The Proposer and Seconder can be any employee of any Member company (except for your own company).
Once you have secured a Proposer and Seconder, please complete a nomination form (button below) including which position you will run for. Each candidate can only run for one position. The completed form should be returned by e-mail to and copied to your Proposer and Seconder. Nominations will not be accepted unless the Proposer and Seconder are copied.
Following receipt of a valid nomination form, the British Chamber will contact you to make arrangements for gathering further information.
If you are interested in standing for nomination or have any questions, please contact
Download nomination form here
What is the deadline for nominations?
The deadline for nominations is Thursday 8 June at 17:00 (China Time). Nominations received after that time will not be accepted. On Monday 12 June all ExCo candidates will be announced.
Who can stand for election to ExCo?
From each Member company only one nomination for one of the vacant ExCo positions can be accepted. The nominee from the Member company must be the "Voting Representative" for the AGM (see above). The "Voting Representative" can be adjusted if agreed and confirmed with the Chamber in advance of the close of nomination submissions.
We welcome nominations from any of our Member companies – regardless of industry sector or company size.
Voting is confidential, and the number of votes cast for each candidate is not announced, only the result.
If you are interested in standing for election, please contact
Will I be able to hear from the candidates?
Please follow your emails and the Chamber's social media to see who the candidates are, including their profile and motivations for running for the ExCo.
Who oversees the election?
A representative from the British Embassy will be the "Returning Officer" supervising all aspects of the election process including the legitimacy of nominations, or membership for voters. They will also oversee the vote count at the AGM.
How do I check if my company is a member, or who our "Voting Representative" is?
Please e-mail
What if I still have questions?
Please contact
Member Price
BritCham members will have to create/log in to their GlueUp account using their work-related email address to purchase Member tickets.
If you are a member but are unable to register, please contact