Please note that this session will be delivered in Chinese.
每天,当人们对于小到实际工作,大到战略方向做决策的时候,都会面临海量的信息。在与多元化的团队和利益相关者的合作过程中也面临着同样的挑战。当信息量不断增加,需要考虑的意见愈加纷繁复杂,同时又需要快速行动的时候,领导 者往往会倾向于使用偏见思维。为什么?因为无意识偏见是大脑对超负荷的补偿方式。但偏见会对绩效产生负面影响也会导致决策失误。如何才能避免无意识偏见可能造成的负面影响?如何才能创建一个人人都感到受重视,并能极致发挥才能 的工作环境呢?
What is unconscious bias, and how does it affect us in the workplace?
Every day, employees are faced with countless bits of information while making decisions that range from the pragmatic to the strategic, and they do so while working with increasingly diverse teams and stakeholders.
As they confront more and more information and have to act quickly while considering varying perspectives, leaders and team members are primed to rely on biased thinking. Why? Because unconscious biases are how our brains compensate for overload. But bias can also inhibit performance and lead to poor decision-making.
So how do we counteract the potentially harmful impacts of unconscious bias? How can we create a workplace in which everyone feels valued and able to offer their best?
Join us on Monday, 28 March at 17:00 - 19:00 for a session with Franklin Covey to find out how you can tackle unconscious bias in your workplace.